Director welcomes you…

At the very outset, you need to know that our Carmel Education has a very strong emphasis on the academic performance in conjunction with the overall growth and personal development of the student that is, catering to the human, spiritual, and emotional growth of every student. In a nutshell, the school has a strong focus on development beyond academia.

Rev Fr Sunil Kishor Menezes OCD

The admission process of the school is very much focused on supporting local students in the national curriculum. We have students coming in from the regions of Dar es Salaam, Morogoro, Iringa, Mbeya, Dodoma, Songea, Tanga, and is in the process of reaching out to various other regions of Tanzania.

Remember that Carmel education develops the whole person and not in parts and helps each student to become in the words of our mission statement, “Through quality education we aim at creating universal value of love, justice, and peace. And empower pupils to become valuable and responsible building blocks of the society.”

You all are welcome to Carmel Secondary School, Malolo to brighten the future of your children!!!

We, Carmelites, as brothers of Blessed Virgin Mary, are very much blessed to have our Carmel Secondary School under the patronage and protection of our Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen Beauty of Carmel.


Lady of Mount Carmel